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The piriformis muscle

piriformis muscle and chiropractic

The Pyramidal Muscle: Key to the Health of Your Hip

Have you ever felt a sharp pain or burning discomfort in your lower back that extends down your legs, making it almost impossible to perform everyday activities like walking or sitting? This type of pain, often confused with sciatica, can be caused by the piriformis muscle, a small muscle with a significant impact on your mobility and well-being.

What is the Pyramidal Muscle?

The piriformis muscle, or piriformis, is a small muscle located in the gluteal region, near the top of the thigh bone (femur). This muscle is crucial for hip rotation and plays a critical role in our ability to sit, stand, and get out of the car.

Functions of the Pyramidal Muscle

  • hip rotation: Allows you to turn the thigh outwards.
  • Stabilization: Helps maintain pelvic stability during movement.

Problems Associated with the Piriformis Muscle

One of the most common complications related to this muscle is piriformis syndrome, which occurs when the muscle compresses or irritates the sciatic nerve, which runs just under, over, or in some cases, through it. This condition is known as pseudosciatica, as it mimics the symptoms of true sciatica but has a different cause.

Difference between Pseudosciatica and True Sciatica

  • Pseudosciatica: Generally caused by problems in the piriformis muscle or pelvic alignment, affecting the sciatic nerve.
  • True Sciatica: It results from problems in the discs of the lumbar spine, directly affecting the sciatic nerve.

Symptoms of Piramidalis Syndrome

  • Pain that radiates from the lower back to the leg.
  • Burning or tingling sensation in the legs.
  • Difficulty sitting or standing up.
  • Localized pain that does not extend beyond the knee, often indicative of pseudosciatica.

Diagnosis and treatment


Chiropractors and other specialists can perform specific tests to determine if the pain is caused by piriformis syndrome or disc problems. An indication that the pain is caused by the piriformis muscle is that the discomfort stops at the knee.

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic adjustments can be extremely helpful in relieving pressure on the piriformis muscle and sciatic nerve. 

Chiropractors specialize in correcting vertebral subluxations. Through quick and targeted chiropractic adjustments, chiropractors can restore normal movement to the vertebrae and relieve pressure on the nerves, which can reduce pain and improve nerve function. It can also improve flexibility and reduce stress on compressed nerves.

Chiropractic adjustments also help realign the spine and pelvis, improving posture and reducing muscle tension.

Prevention and Care

  • Stretches: Incorporating a daily stretching routine can significantly improve flexibility and reduce tension in the piriformis muscle.
  • Correct Posture: Avoiding long periods of sitting and maintaining proper posture can prevent the onset of symptoms.
  • Regular Visits to the Chiropractor: Maintaining proper alignment of the spine and pelvis is essential for the overall health of the musculoskeletal system.


Although small, the piriformis muscle plays an important role in hip functionality and can be the root of significant pain when it is not functioning properly. Understanding its function and how to keep it healthy can be key to avoiding chronic pain and improving your quality of life.


Let us take care of you

We encourage you to take care of yourself from now on, without waiting until you feel sick or have various symptoms.

Chiropractic: frequently asked questions

These are some of the answers we hope to answer your questions about chiropractic, for more information visit our FAQ

Yes very sure. The Chiropractic adjustment acts on the nervous system, in order to allow the body's own recovery capacity to function normally.

Millions of people of all ages and with different problems go to the chiropractor, which has negative impacts.

Because? Chiropractic has an excellent safety record, avoiding invasive procedures.

Several studies have demonstrated that chiropractic care is 250 times safer than anti-inflammatories medical treatment.

The goal of chiropractic is to promote better body functionality.

The Central Nervous System regulates every cell of our body.

Chiropractic focuses on correcting the vertebral subluxations and interferences generated on the vertebrae and avoiding correct body functioning.

The vast majority of its users feel better, recover faster and minimize the use of medications and surgeries.

Many people who enjoy chiropractic care feel less stress, have more vitality and live better daily.

No, it isn't. Chiropractic is a sanitary profession complementary to and different from medicine (according to WHO).

It is studied in specialized chiropractic universities. The chiropractic professional receives a minimum training of 5 years that guarantees the quality and safety of the service it offers.

During the chiropractic university career, you don't study surgery or pharmacy but deeper physiology, anatomy, radiology, neurology, and specific manual chiropractic techniques.

As this profession hasn't been approved yet in Spain, you must go to a "true" chiropractic.

Many people use this legacy to practice manipulations of the vertebral column without the correct studies and knowledge.

For this reason, it is essential that, if you are looking for a chiropractor, you check the web of Asociación Española de Quiropráctica, where you can find recognized professionals with studies.

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