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Every drink counts: How alcohol affects your health without you even realizing it


Alcohol consumption is common in many cultures, but its impact on health is becoming increasingly clear. Although the potential benefits of moderate consumption have been debated for years, recent research confirms that any amount of alcohol can have harmful effects on the body, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and liver damage.

Why is alcohol harmful?

Alcohol is metabolized into acetaldehyde, a toxic substance that damages DNA and contributes to tumor development. It also causes oxidative stress, damaging blood vessel cells and increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Although red wine was once thought to be good for the heart, recent research has disproven that idea. In fact, any amount of alcohol can negatively affect heart health, raising blood pressure and promoting problems such as atrial fibrillation.

What diseases can it cause?

Alcohol is linked to multiple chronic diseases. In addition to cardiovascular diseases, it has been directly linked to the development of seven types of cancer, including liver, breast and colon cancer. It can also cause progressive damage to the liver, from fatty liver to irreversible cirrhosis.

Consequences of alcohol on different body systems

Digestive System

  1. Gastritis and ulcers: Alcohol irritates the stomach lining, increasing the risk of inflammation and ulcers.
  2. Liver diseasesFrom fatty liver to cirrhosis, alcohol is highly toxic to the liver.
  3. Pancreatitis: Inflammation of the pancreas caused by alcohol can be serious and potentially fatal.
  4. Difficulties in nutrient absorption: Prolonged consumption affects the absorption of essential vitamins and minerals.

Cardiovascular System

  1. High blood pressure: Excessive drinking raises blood pressure, increasing the risk of heart disease.
  2. Arrhythmias: Alcohol can alter the heart's rhythm, promoting atrial fibrillation.
  3. Coronary heart disease: Chronic consumption increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
  4. Increase in bad cholesterol: Contributes to hardening of the arteries and circulatory problems.

Immune System

  1. Increased susceptibility to infections: Alcohol weakens the body's defenses, promoting diseases.
  2. Chronic inflammation: Its constant consumption can generate an inflammatory state in the body.
  3. Decreased white blood cell production: Affects the body's ability to fight viruses and bacteria.
  4. Slower recovery: People who drink regularly take longer to heal from injuries or illnesses.

Mental Health Effects

  1. Depression and anxiety: Alcohol can aggravate mood disorders.
  2. Cognitive impairment: Its prolonged consumption affects memory and brain function.
  3. Sleep disorders: Although it may induce sleep, it actually reduces its quality.
  4. Dependency and addiction: Frequent drinking increases the risk of developing alcoholism.

How do you know if you drink too much?

Excessive consumption is not the only problem; even within recommended limits there are risks. Guidelines suggest no more than one drink per day for women and two for men, but studies show that even below these levels health problems can arise.

Also, you should not compensate by abstaining for several days and then drinking excessively on the weekend. Accumulated consumption affects the body, increasing the risk of illness and accidents.

What can you do?

Cutting back, even a little, can have big health benefits. If you drink less, you live longer. Consider reducing the amount or frequency with which you drink. Small changes can make a big difference to your well-being.

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